1. What time can I expect to have my students back to our church for parents to pick them up?
The ending time of our service is a little hard to predict. It truly depends upon the Holy Spirit. However, we can typically expect it to end around 9pm.
2. Is this event designed for a certain denomination of Christianity?
We are thrilled to have Living Springs Baptist Church as our ministry partner. Our ministry team members are rooted in Southern Baptist doctrine. However, this event has only one purpose in mind and that is to share Jesus with students who do not know Him. The youth pastor of any student that comes for counseling will receive a communication from us regarding the nature of the counseling session. It is our desire that the student’s youth pastor would follow up with that student regarding any further counseling.
3. Will there be any cost for this event?
Worship In The Woods has always been 100% FREE to anyone who attends. We do not charge anything for attendance, activities or dinner. The only reason any student would need money is if they would like to purchase one of our t-shirts. We do not make any profit on our shirts and try very hard to keep the cost low. The shirts typically cost $10.
4. What is the target age group?
Our event is designed for students in grades 6-12. We do not recommend that younger children attend this event. The message content and activities are much more suited to older students. Thank you in advance for your understanding regarding the age group.
5. Do we need to bring chairs or blankets to sit on?
No. WTW provides a chair for everyone based upon reservations.
6. Is there a deadline for registration?
We will accept reservations any time prior to the event. However, you do us a great favor by registering early and providing a realistic number that will attend with your group. Because we serve dinner it is very important for us to plan ahead and be good stewards of the funds that the Lord provides for this event.
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To register online, please visit the REGISTER page.
For general information, registration questions, or contracts please contact Reed Austin at 615.351.1900 or